As with everything else, the main rules for a company’s success are attention to details, effective communication and professionalism. This article will help you create a successful online store and give you useful tips on design, marketing and programming. Let’s get started!
User-friendly design
Design is very important both in online and usual stores. By applying marketing and neuroscience tricks stores create atmosphere of comfort to make customers stay longer in the store and shop more. Your first step in ecommerce should be choosing the right designer and trusting him. A professional designer will take into consideration all your wishes and preferences and offer the best solution to help you reach your goal. An online store should have a clear and user-friendly interface and be easy to navigate. It should render a feeling of trust and comfort.

Communication – be at reach
Keeping in touch with customers has become easier than ever these days thanks to new communication tools like Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, ICQ, etc. Use them to keep your customers informed and increase your sales significantly.

Gifts and bonuses

Gifts and bonuses are another effective tool you can utilize to attract customers and keep them coming again. Offer your customers pleasant surprises, like free delivery for $200 purchases, discounts, etc. Use indoor advertisement, which can sometimes turn out to be more effective than outdoor advertisement, to boost your sales. If, for example, a customer buys a laptop, offer him to buy a mouse with his laptop with a 10% discount. This helps you sell your goods and please your customers at the same time, making them feel happy and special. There is an ocean of other powerful marketing crafts to help you sell your goods. Use your creativity and imagination to think of other ways to attract customers, or hire a marketing specialist to do this for you.
Automate the store

Automate the payment system. This will not only save you time and make shopping fast and convenient, but will also strengthen store-customer relationship and increase your sales significantly.
Automate the email system. In a few days after the purchase, send the customer an email inquiring if he is happy with the purchase and ask him to leave a feedback. The customer will appreciate your concern and come back to you again. It is also a good idea to give customers promo codes for further purchases.
Make the smarter store
Collect information about your customers’ tastes and preferences and offer them the goods they might like. For example, if the customer searched for iPhones earlier, and is now in the smartphones category, the system should filter for him the goods according to his preferences, showing iPhones first, and then the rest.

Bonuses, saving systems and other loyalty programs have always been excellent tools. Make the most of them in your online store! Make it a game! Give bonuses for purchases, for registration, for subscription in social networks, etc
Don’t be annoying!
Don’t annoy your customers with too many pop-up windows, newsletters, spams, etc. When used rationally, they are excellent tools, but when they are overused, they become a real nuisance for the customer and very often have the opposite effect.

Don’t hurry with launching!

This is one of the most common mistakes. While starting an online store, it is important to consider things carefully. You have just one cartridge in your charger, so don’t miss the target! It is very difficult to restore a ruined reputation. So plan everything carefully before you start!
Obstacles, difficulties are unacceptable
And back to the obstacles in the implementation of the chain of action until the goods are purchased. This rule is one of the most important, and therefore it will be explained in detail.

Registration - Make registration very simple and fast. Don’t tire your clients by asking them to fill in too much information. It’s enough to have login/password, email/password and phone number. If you need further information, you can ask for it later, when you really need it.
Authorization - There are many tools you can use to identify a user if he is using the same computer. Use cookies, sessions, local depositories, etc., to authorize the client when he comes to your website.
Checkouts - Order registration should also be very fast and short with the most necessary information: contact info and delivery address.
Contacts and communication - Your website should have a clear interface and the contact info should be easy to find, so that the customers can contact you whenever they have any questions.
Give explanations - Always give brief explanation why you need the information. For example, explain that you need the email or phone number to confirm registration. If the customers don’t understand why you need the information, they will most probably not give it.
Be active in social networks

Social networks will not only help you attract more customers and promote your brand, they will also provide you with lots of useful information. Your customers’ profiles will tell you about their way of life, interests and preferences. A good marketing expert will use this information to make the target audience portrait. This powerful tool will help you meet your customers’ needs more effectively and become the best solution for them!
You will need a social media manager to stay connected with your customers, showing them your concern and respect.
Make your online store dynamic

Your online store should always be in action: clients should be leaving feedback, writing comments, answering comments, etc. If possible, create video-reviews of the goods with objective information, telling both about advantages and disadvantages of the goods. This will help build customer trust and respect, in contrast to the online stores which claim to be selling just ideal goods.
Organize contests, give out gifts for holidays, commit noble needs that pursue no financial benefits, thus showing that you are not just a store selling goods, but a company with feelings, emotions, and empathy, ready to cooperate and help.
Don’t forget about SEO

On the one hand, if you follow all the recommendations given above you will gain considerable advantage over your competitors. On the other hand, search engines can’t rely only on the behavioral factors of the users. You also need to create unique content with texts, photos and video-reviews. Make the content as unique as possible to show the search engines that you are not just another online store. Encourage users to write comments and feedback- this is not only free copywriting for you, but also a chance to improve.
Keep growing
No matter how successful you have become, you should never stop developing and growing. Always aspire to meet your customers’ demands and become even better than yesterday!
Wish you good luck in your endeavours!