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Developers Blog

How to Speed Up Website

30 Jan 2017 3,581
Fast website load is the result of on integrated approach to the website development. As a rule, it starts from the correct settings of the server. Here are some useful tips to help you save your...
One of the most common mistakes made by novice designers is overusing of colors in designing websites, brochures, banners, etc.This has a simple solution – just choose different shades of a...

Creating Flat Web Design

25 Sep 2015 3,917
This is video record of flat ui web design process in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Video recorder on 8x fast speed. iPro dot by website design creation process.

Logo design process

21 Sep 2015 3,527
This is video record of logotype design process in Adobe Illustrator. Video recorder on 4X fast speed. You like this? Don't forgot subscribe us! ;) Have a nice watching!

Making shot for Dribbble

19 Sep 2015 3,419
We record a video how to create first shot for Dribbble. Video preview speed is 8x fast. Do you have Dribbble invites to give away? :) This post present «Dribbble Om Nom Nom» design logo....
This article is about some tips on proper server settings, script installations and such, which helps avoiding cases when some important corporative letters fall into the SPAM folder.
If a customer addressed us, means that in some field we know and master things much better than they do. The question is: can the customer be “always right” in such a situation?

22 tips for SEO

28 Apr 2015 4,259
Many start being concerned about website’s internal optimization only after the website is on: the owner wonders why his website is not being offered by the search engines.

10 Tips for SEO Copywriting

26 Apr 2015 3,833
The website content is one of the most vital factors for the success of your Project. Here, you can find 10 tips came over through the years of our working experience, which we are willing to share.

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