perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Developers Blog

Here are 8 recommendations to help you create perfect cards. The Ultimate guide to better cards. Cards are these little UI components we see everywhere and the reason is simple, they take really...
Perfecto Web team has made a list of most common mistakes in the design of mobile apps and mobile versions of websites for you. Grab some tea and cookies and let’s start! As for 2019, most...
Dear Friend! We are going to talk about one of the most important aspects of web development, web design, with top ten professional designers and art-directors from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. We...

Web Designer Checklist

15 Mar 2017 3,528
Like programming, design has two sides. To make a good PSD (Photoshop Document) you need to follow certain rules throughout the whole designing process. This article will give you some useful tips to...
Imagine you are going to have an important event soon – an advertising campaign for a product and you need a poster for it. You have already ordered the poster and you like it. But still you...
One of the most common mistakes made by novice designers is overusing of colors in designing websites, brochures, banners, etc.This has a simple solution – just choose different shades of a...

Creating Flat Web Design

25 Sep 2015 3,919
This is video record of flat ui web design process in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Video recorder on 8x fast speed. iPro dot by website design creation process.

Logo design process

21 Sep 2015 3,528
This is video record of logotype design process in Adobe Illustrator. Video recorder on 4X fast speed. You like this? Don't forgot subscribe us! ;) Have a nice watching!

Making shot for Dribbble

19 Sep 2015 3,421
We record a video how to create first shot for Dribbble. Video preview speed is 8x fast. Do you have Dribbble invites to give away? :) This post present «Dribbble Om Nom Nom» design logo....
Get started on your design even if you do not have any prior experience. Here, our professional designers provide you with some best-in-class execution of a designers perspective!

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