perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange

ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №1

Home Page

The main page contains description of the project and a presentation video
ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №2- Home Page

Bloggers Catalog

The Bloggers Catalog contains a filterable list of all active bloggers with promotional offers
ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №3- Bloggers Catalog

List of Campaigns

Blogger’s page with promotional offers and ordering right from the page
ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №4- List of Campaigns

Account basics

User’s page with detailed statistics, tariff plans and other useful information for bloggers and customers
ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №5- Account basics

Create Campaign

A page with promotional offers from the bloggers
ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange №6- Create Campaign

ADZBank - Bloggers Exchange

Development of a turnkey website for ADZBank, a bloggers bank, which helps advertisers find bloggers to advertise their products. The platform acts as a transaction guarantor between the sides. The project was developed with the further ramification and scaling capability. Up-to-date and user-friendly interface allows to find the right platform for your product promotion or create an automated advertising campaign in a couple of clicks.

With the right approach and marketing support from our side, there is a great potential for becoming one of the leaders in the field, also taking into consideration the fact that there are not so many projects of this type. Our team: designer/HTML coder, programmer, programmer-tester.

  • Create a platform where YouTubers and Instagrammers can safely advertise and feel secured from dishonest customers.
  • Help businesses or service providers find bloggers to promote their products or services.
  • Create an intuitive and friendly UI for the target audience aged 18-40.
  • Act as a transaction guarantor between the sides.
  • Allow the bloggers place ads in a couple of clicks.
  • Analyze the competitors to find the best UI.
  • Create a concise and friendly UI, neither too cartoonish nor too strict.
  • Design in light, clear colors to suit the target audience.
  • Each of the transaction sides pays a deposit of 50 USD as “club member” fee.
  • Use Node.js, PHP7, MySQL 8 technologies for maximum load endurance and minimal server maintenance expenses.
  • Account registration: Blogger, Advertiser
  • Safe transaction
  • Creation of advertising campaigns by bloggers
  • Convenient search for advertising platforms
  • Contract signing by the sides
  • Blogger account
  • Advertiser account
  • Ticket system
  • Partner program
  • Payments via PayPal, Bitcoin, ADVCash
  • Live chatrooms


Customer: Mark
Creation date: 01 Jul 2020
Views: 3643
Release year: 2020
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP7, MySQL8, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery, Node.js

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