perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

CSGOSum - Steam Skins Market

CSGOSum - Steam Skins Market №1

CSGOSum - Steam Skins Market

Development of a skin market website trading CS:GO, Dota2, RUST and other items. CSGOSum is a platform, where you can just in two-three minutes, with a couple of clicks, exchange a number of cheap skins with a legendary one or vice versa. The website was developed using Redis database management system from NoSQL class. Together with MariaDB it ensures an excellent result with several thousand online users load endurance on an average VPS.

  • To create a platform where users can exchange items automatically.
  • To create dark-color design.
  • To automate all the processes.
  • To attract investors.
  • To analyze competitors for revealing the most suitable UI.
  • To use dark colors, which are the preferred colors of the target audience as analysis showed.
  • To use Node.js, React, PHP7, so that "average" VPS servers can endure the loads.
  • To develop and test, test load endurance, launch!
  • Sign up via Steam API
  • Exchange of items with the items offered on the website
  • Bots Statistixcs
  • Hold items exchange mechanism
  • Automated invest-platform
  • User account with detailed analytics
  • Website currencies - RUB, USD
  • Dynamic upload of new games
  • Multilinguality
  • Live Statistics
  • Live stats with the latest exchanges


Customer: CSGOSum Team
Creation date: 30 Sep 2019
Views: 4830
Release year: 2019
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP7, Node.js, Redis, MySQL

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