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HuntCash - Multiplayer Gambling Platform

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Dice — is one of the oldest games. The game is played with one to five dice depending on the game type.


A roulette with one of the game modes.


A usual roulette based on, random number generation service.


Flip a coin and bet on the side you will get.

Player's profile

Profile settings, statistics on logins, transactions, games, etc.

HuntCash - Multiplayer Gambling Platform

Development of a games website with the logo “A patient hunter will always get the trophy.” The balance is replenished through GameMoney, SteamPay, etc. The four-level referral system allows to attract more customers. The website offers five game modes with extension and scaling feature.

The website was developed using Redis database management system from NoSQL class. Together with MariaDB it ensures an excellent result with several thousand online users load endurance on an average VPS.

  • Games: Dice, Jackpot, Crash, CoinFlip, Roulette
  • Authorization: via social networks and via login/password.
  • Multilevel referral system
  • Bonus System
  • Promocodes system
  • Ticket system for technical support
  • Deposits via: GameMoney, SteamPay, QIWI, VISA, MasterCard, Yandex Money, WebMoney, mobile commerce
  • Payments: automated or manual, depending on the settings
  • Live-chat with administrator and moderator


Customer: Denis Dolgov
Creation date: 01 Aug 2019
Views: 4202
Release year: 2019
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP7, MariaDB, Redis, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery, Node.js,

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