perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Liga Kvartir

Home page

The main page features popular destinations, list of countries and cities and quick search
Liga Kvartir №1- Home page

List of objects

The left side features multi-level filters, best proposals and sights of the chosen city. On the right side you can find a sorted announcements list and display method change function
Liga Kvartir №2- List of objects

Object landing page

Announcement cards are pages with detailed description and all the relevant functions
Liga Kvartir №3- Object landing page

Object finder

In “Apartments Search” you can leave an apartment request with the required parameters. Once a suitable apartment announcement appears, the system will send you a notification
Liga Kvartir №4- Object finder

Liga Kvartir

Design development and adaptive page make-up for “Apartments League” – an online announcements board for daily rent of apartments, houses and cottages in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. Currently the website has 53,076 announcements. Our purpose was to make the project user-friendly and up-to-date. The main emphasis was on improving the UX with the website. We also focused on the adaptability of the project and its mobile version, as nowadays about 56% of the internet traffic is used by the mobile devices.


Creation date: 01 May 2018
Views: 2723
Release year: 2018
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustration, CSS3, HTML5, JS

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