perfectowebWeb design & programming studio
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PokerHUT – poker strategies and couching. Design and make-up of a multi-user website for poker novices and experts. The design combines elements of Material Design and Flat style. Adaptive layout for 320 - 2550px screens, which complies with all types of devices available nowadays. The main target of the project is to attract both novice poker players and experts, give them bonuses and make money together at the expense of other poker platforms.

The server suggests bonuses for Rakebacks, Tasks and Reservations. The design was made with 30 cups of coffee, 15 sleepless nights and love to our dearest customer. If you are reading this, write to us:”Oh, yes, it’s me!” :)


Customer: PokerHUT
Creation date: 25 Dec 2017
Views: 2980
Release year: 2017

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