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Desano - Gifts Online Store

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Main page

E-commerce with adaptive design for 320-1920px screen devices

List of products

On the left side are subcategories, information blocks and filters. Classification methods are above the products lists

Product page

With possibility of adding dynamic options, characteristics and photos of the products


Shopping cart

Checkout: delivery method

Automatic calculation of delivery cost based on the distance, order weight and size

Checkout: payment method

Online payment via Visa, MasterCard, QIWI, Yandex Money, WebMoney, PayPal, Robokass

Bonuses system

Information on bonus system


Desano - Gifts Online Store

Development of the Desano online store selling presents and designer products. The online store was developed from scratch without third-party content management systems. It stands out among competitors by its unique design and well thought-out interface. Desano offers a rich assortment of products to any taste (2,000 articles in 37 categories available when developed).

Basic features
- Multi-level categories
- User-friendly order system with automatic input of previously entered personal information
- Payment via Yandex, WebMoney, Tinkoff Visa/Mastercard, Robokassa, Apple Pay, QIWI, PayPal
- Accumulative bonus system, which allows to collect points for further purchases
- User account with orders stats, bonuses and order tracking
- Integration with the shipping companies: BoxBerry, CDEK, Russian Post, EMS
- Automatic update of the order status on shipment
- Automatic generation of checks and payment orders
- Automatic sending of checks to the tax office
- Automatic discounts system. The system offers daily discounts for a product
- The system chooses automatically “Product of the day”
- Visitors and sales stats; quarterly reports
- Free automatic delivery based on order size and weight
- “You may also like” system
- Selected products
- Email triggers: "We haven’t seen you for a while", "You haven’t completed your order", "We have found what you were looking for", etc.
- Email triggers with promo codes and bonuses for regular customers
- Blog
- Smart search with filters
- Bonuses for profile filling, subscription and other actions on the website
- Feedback and dynamic characteristics of products
- Automatic generation of structured data for Yandex and Google
- Sitemap automatic generation
- YML (Yandex Market Language) automatic generation
- Automatic posting of the products in social networks
- Order automatic tracking and customer notification (vie SMS, Viber or Email)
- Newsletters subscription. Creation of automatic emailing
- Banner system


Creation date: 10 Oct 2017
Views: 3142
Release year: 2017
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP7, MySQLi, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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