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Website design for InoSoft, a company selling software for working with Steam accounts. The software integrates Steam accounts into a single interface which can be operated in an automated or manual mode. InoSoft Steam Multichat has a built-in browser and SDA, which means you can open a browser with automated Steam account or generate a Steam Guard entrance code yourself!

In the recent years we have been developing more and more websites and interfaces dealing with Steam indirectly or indirectly. Each time we are trying to create something new, something different to what we created before.

  • Convenient and flexible interface
  • Selling main page
  • Juicy and encouraging to buy inner pages
  • Modern design in light and bright colors
  • Analyze the competitors to identify the most suitable UI.
  • Develop modern and convenient UI and always be on the same wavelength with the customers.
  • Keep to the color range of the initial logo
  • Make headings and titles catchier by using big font sizes.
  • Minimize load time by using vector design.
  • Speed up account load time by Steam accounts grouping..
InoSoft Steam Multichat
  • Provide chatting with other users.
  • Provide proxy import function.
  • Steam profile default opening in the browser.
  • Automated updating (for Windows)
  • Steam Guard log-in code generation (using maFile)
  • Automated messaging to friends.
  • Template messaging.
  • Friends limit automated checking.
  • One-click automated domain changing.
  • Automated calculation of inventory cost with price display.
  • Automated history clean-up
  • Automated friends removal with tradehold on selected accounts.
  • Go to InoSoft for detailed description of the product.


Customer: Evgeny
Creation date: 07 Feb 2020
Views: 5148
Release year: 2020

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