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NETMI - Social Media Promotion

NETMI - Social Media Promotion №1

Main page

The main page, which is also a presentation page, contains the short review of the project, quick access to the registration and login, and also the list of popular tariff plans
NETMI - Social Media Promotion №2- Main page


Promotion is the main section of the project. It has a dynamic interface and its components are updated in real time after each selection.
NETMI - Social Media Promotion №3- Promotion

User Account

The account contains user’s personal information, which can be edited, a partnership program and social networks accounts connection methods
NETMI - Social Media Promotion №4- User Account


History of all the operations by the user, replenishments, referral extra fees, orders, etc.
NETMI - Social Media Promotion №5- History


Info page with the description of Netmi guarantees
NETMI - Social Media Promotion №6- Guarantees

NETMI - Social Media Promotion

Development of a turnkey website for automated promotion in social networks. The project’s principal objective is to help users promote their profiles in social networks effectively and quickly in the automated mode. The system operates in Instagram, Facebook and Vkontakte. Choose the tariff plan to promote either the profile or chosen posts. The promotion starts immediately after the request has been made. Balance replenishment possible via all the popular methods. The system offers comfortable referral and bonus systems. The project was developed from scratch. The focus was made on presentability and user-friendly UI. A lot of A/B testing was carried out to ensure maximal conversion of target traffic into profit.

  • Login and registration
  • Login through social networks
  • User account
  • Tariff plans for promotion
  • Deposits via: Yandex Money, WebMoney, QIWI, Mobile Payments, Bank cards, PayPal
  • Referral system
  • Bonus system
  • Operations and orders history
  • Ticket system for contact with technical support
  • Multilevel administration panel
  • Many other points that make the project user-friendlty


Customer: Gleb Shutov
Creation date: 10 Apr 2019
Views: 3274
Release year: 2019
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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