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InGameStore - Steam Skins Market

Main page

InGameStore - Steam Skins Market №1- Main page


InGameStore - Steam Skins Market №2- Reviews

Affiliate Program

InGameStore - Steam Skins Market №3- Affiliate Program


InGameStore - Steam Skins Market №4- Giveaway

InGameStore - Steam Skins Market

Development of a turnkey website specializing in purchase of skins and game items PUBG, Dota 2, CS:GO, H1Z1, TF2. Automated purchase with distribution of skins to trader bots. The server part was developed using Node.JS и PHP7. Customers are contacted through It is integrated with social networks. Routine actions are automated.


- Automatic trade creation in Steam
- Confirmation of trades by bots/traders
- Automatic price calculation: UAH, CHN, USD, EUR, RUR
- 4-level referral system
- Feedback
- Sales history and user account
- Full statistics on sales
- Regular prize drawings module
- Automatic bonuses for certain triggers
- Multi-language interface
- Ticket system


Customer: Sergey
Creation date: 01 Sep 2018
Views: 3494
Release year: 2018
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP 7, MySQLi, NodeJS 10, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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