perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Privatty - Self-destructing notes

Main page

Privatty - Self-destructing notes №1- Main page

Note is ready

Privatty - Self-destructing notes №2- Note is ready


Privatty - Self-destructing notes №3- Languages

Encryption Algorithm

Privatty - Self-destructing notes №4- Encryption Algorithm

Privatty - Self-destructing notes

We are proud to announce about launching Privatty! Privatty is a new project that allows you to create self-deleting notes and files, encipher them and share with friends and colleagues. The notes and files are automatically self-deleted after being read. Check it out! Looking forward to your feedback!

How it work?

The note is encoded with a disposable key. Only the sender and the receiver of the note/file have this key. Only the encoded message is kept in the website’s database. It cannot be opened without the private key. When your friend/colleague has opened the note, the hashes of the initial version and the current version are checked. If they are the same, the note is sent to the friend and then self-deleted.


Creation date: 07 Jul 2018
Views: 3710
Release year: 2018
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP7, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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