perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Evelito - Goodness network

Evelito - Goodness network №1
Evelito - Goodness network №2
Evelito - Goodness network №3
Evelito - Goodness network №4
Evelito - Goodness network №5
Evelito - Goodness network №6
Evelito - Goodness network №7
Evelito - Goodness network №8

Evelito - Goodness network

Development of a scalable and high-loaded turnkey website for the Evelito project. Evelito is designed to connect people seeking or offering help. The help can be material, moral, or help with some work.

- "Seeking help" posts (moral, material or with work)
- List of posts – filtered and categorized
- Vertically scalable databases for every country and city
- Multilinguality
- Teams (like groups in social networks)
- Private messages
- Participants rating
- Feedbacks for a specific participant
- Possibility to ask for help
- Events timeline for each participant
- Hope rating system. The more acts of kindness you do, the bigger is the hope you give.
- Reporting in groups (teams) on the acts of kindness you did

The project was designed to help spread kindness in the world. The website contains no advertisements or any sort of paid services.


Creation date: 10 Sep 2017
Views: 2736
Release year: 2017
Website Engine: Индивидуальная разработка
Technologies: PHP7, MySQLi, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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