perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Stands for Phones «52»

Stands for Phones «52» №1

Shopping Cart

Includes shopping bag, customer information and online payments
Stands for Phones «52» №2- Shopping Cart


Stands for Phones «52» №3- Contacts

Stands for Phones «52»

Development of an turnkey Landing Page for a project with code-name “52”. Use “52” Mobile Phone Stand to take photos from different angles, communicate with friends via Skype or Periscope, make videos and do many other things while your hands are free!

We developed a one-page presentation website with the functions of a small online-store. The website has a goods cart and all the necessary attributes for making an order as in a usual online-store. You can make payments online via Yandex Money, WebMoney, QIWI and other payment systems. When the order has been processed, the customer can keep track of the order right on the website.


Customer: Denis Dolgov
Creation date: 09 Дек 2016
Views: 3382
Release year: 2016
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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