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CSFort - CS GO Roulette

CSFort - CS GO Roulette №1

CSGO Roulette

CSFort - CS GO Roulette №2- CSGO Roulette


CSFort - CS GO Roulette №3- Inventory

Point Transfer

CSFort - CS GO Roulette №4- Point Transfer

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CSFort - CS GO Roulette №5- Affiliate Program

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CSFort - CS GO Roulette №6- Transactions History


CSFort - CS GO Roulette №7- Support

CSFort - CS GO Roulette

Development of CSGO turnkey roulette. Since 2014 such projects have become very popular. The roulette website for raffling CS GO items, was developed using technologies allowing horizontal scaling and high loads endurance.  The main interactions with the bots are conducted through multichannel currents, which minimizes the waste of server resources.

There are 21 cells in the game: 10 red, 10 black and 1 green cell. The player can choose to play on one cell or at several cells at a time.

The winning chances are as follows: the red cell -  47.62%, the black cell - 47.62%, the green cell - 4.76%.


Customer: CSFort
Creation date: 15 Feb 2016
Views: 6859
Release year: 2016
Website Engine: Individual Development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL,Node.js, Sockets, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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