perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

SperX - Employment Agency

SperX - Employment Agency №1
SperX - Employment Agency №2
SperX - Employment Agency №3
SperX - Employment Agency №4

SperX - Employment Agency

Foundation of an employment agency adapted for CIS job market. It is a universal platform that enables to easily find specialists of different professions. If you are a specialist, you can create a profile in no time, fill in the portfolio, make your pricelist and start accepting orders from customers. SperX also integrates the working schedule and regulates the specialist’s reservation hours.

Main functions
- Making a CV for the specialist
--- Making a portfolio for the specialist
--- Making a pricelist
--- Events and bookings
--- Feedbacks about the specialist
--- Rating of the specialist
- Searching on the map
- VIP status of the specialist
- Payments for the services
- Registration via social networks
- Targeting advertisement on the website


Customer: Valeriy
Creation date: 25 Jan 2016
Views: 3754
Release year: 2016
Website Engine: Individual development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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