- 02. Turnkey Website
- 03. Web Design
- 04. E-commerce
- 05. Web Programming
- 06. HTML Layouting
- 07. Illustrations
- 08. Branding
- 09. Logotypes
- 10. Banners
- 11. Flash
- 12. Icons Design
- 13. App Design
- 14. Apps
- 15. Print Design
- 16. Video
- 17. 3D Graphics
- 18. Copywriting
- 19. Translations
Home page




Private messages


Payment information

Social Network "ProkachaySebya"
Social Network development.
«Prokachay Sebya» — is a social network, in which instead of profiles: 1) personal goals 2) Journal of the steps (no text information "about me" and so forth.)
The project aims to motivate participants to achieve a given purpose in life. User-friendly interface allows you to break the goal into sub tasks, give a visually to friends understand what goals are made and at what stage the goal is a project participant.
- Account/profile
- Membership plans
- Achievements board
- Sequent in timeline
- Timeline
- Friends
- Groups
- Private messages
Customer: Dmitry Saltykov
Creation date: 28 Sep 2014
Views: 3970
Release year: 2014
Website Engine: Individual development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery