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iCatalog - Ads board

Home page

iCatalog - Ads board №1- Home page

Category page

iCatalog - Ads board №2- Category page

Object view page

iCatalog - Ads board №3- Object view page

iCatalog - Ads board

Turnkey boards development. iCatalog is free bulletin board in Russia, developed with individual architecture and user-friendly interface.

- Register
- My Account
- Add / Edit Ads
- VIP service (elevation profiles, vip-block allocation questionnaire)
- Payment of Accounts (WM, Robokassa, Visa / Master)
- Regional mapping of ad
- Live Search
- Static pages
- Feedback
- Administratsionnaya panel with a clear setting of site content


Customer: Alexandr Lizunov
Creation date: 15 May 2012
Views: 5902
Release year: 2012
Website Engine: Individual development
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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