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GoCar - online auto-tuning shop

GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №1

Main page

GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №2- Main page


GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №3- Catalog

Product Page

GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №4- Product Page


GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №5- Gallery


GoCar - online auto-tuning shop №6- Contacts

GoCar - online auto-tuning shop

Development of a turnkey online store for GoCar - one of the leading tuning shops in Ukraine, offering over 500 types of car tapes. GoCar has been working since 2012, offering a wide range of services, such as selling, tuning, tape pasting and other services.

The main goal was to create a user-friendly online store for clients, dealers and buyers. Personal accounts have multi-level access with individual settings for dealers and agents. The project is highly automated and independently carries out systematic marketing operations, such as newsletters mailing, etc.


Customer: Arsen Mailyan
Creation date: 01 Май 2017
Views: 3330
Release year: 2017
Website Engine: OpenCart 2
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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