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Tapka - home clothes online store

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Tapka - home clothes online store №2- List of items

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Tapka - home clothes online store №3- Item page

Tapka - home clothes online store

Home clothes online store at affordable prices in Moscow. This online store was developed on the OpenCart. The online store is integrated with the suppliers' databases and has an automatic update of the products and products availability. Registration provides an opportunity to become a partner and make bulk purchases with individual tariffs.

- Basic tools for introducing e-commerce
- Login, Registration
- Account for partners
- Systematic automated specials
- Sampling of goods according to various criteria
- Automatic sales formation
- Bonuses for reviews and subscriptions


Customer: Simonov Sergey
Creation date: 30 Sep 2014
Views: 4129
Release year: 2014
Website Engine: OpenCart
Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS3, Ajax, jQuery

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