perfectowebWeb design & programming studio

Avangard Team banners

Forum banner

Presentational banners containing a list of services, cooperation terms and other information for partners and customers.
Avangard Team banners №1- Forum banner

Animated banner

Animated banners for advertising purposes.
Avangard Team banners №2- Animated banner

Avangard Team banners

Creation of banners for Avangard Team specializing on Steam game items purchase. Among the games are: CS:GO, Dota2, H1Z1, TF2. We created a presentation banner for thematic forums, and an animated advertising banner for other platforms. Both of them were quite successful and had quite high CTR index. The number of potential users exceeded the expectations.


Customer: Eugene
Creation date: 20 Apr 2019
Views: 1787
Release year: 2019

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