Good news for our customers and partners! Since the fall of 2018 we have been working on our website to make it more user-friendly.
One of our multiple objectives has been updating the content, images and interactive elements. We made only little changes to the design as it is quite convenient and got much positive feedback.
We have completely rewritten the source code, focusing on speed optimization.
- Updated most of UI;
- Modified certain interaction forms;
- Added user-friendly partnership system;
- Modified for developers section;
- Added more comfortable technical support tarrif plans and discount system for quarterly or annual orders;
- Our blogs in Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram have become more active;
- We did many other hacks to make the website more convenient.
To celebration this event we gift you a promo code for 5% discount valid to July 1, 2019 года.Promo code: PW-UPDATE19
Looking forward to your feedback and suggestions, dear testers.
Always online, Perfecto Web!