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Developers Blog

SEO tips for web programmer

10 Aug 2017 3,351
If you are a web programmer, you have probably often received to-be-corrected lists from customers, which they, in their turn, received from SEO specialists. This article will help both novice and...
Programmers differ in coding style, manner, proficiency level, etc. But if you follow certain rules, your code will be clear and readable to any programmer. Keep in mind that the code you write might...
Many of those who want to master web development and make a career in it have no idea where to start and what prospects they have. This article will give you basic understanding of web coding, design...

How to Speed Up Website

30 Jan 2017 3,581
Fast website load is the result of on integrated approach to the website development. As a rule, it starts from the correct settings of the server. Here are some useful tips to help you save your...
This article is about some tips on proper server settings, script installations and such, which helps avoiding cases when some important corporative letters fall into the SPAM folder.
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